The Handbag for Strong Women is a portable art object designed primarily (but not exclusively) for going out to social events; it is the first piece in Weld Queen's collection of "strong accessories." The object can be described as a clear artistic experiment by Weld Queen, combining plastic art, performance, and design in one piece and turning an art object into an element of everyday life and life into a work of art. Like a jewel, the bag's design in the general style of Weld Queen's work reproduces the shape of a raw crystal, complementing the royal image and status of its owner. Combining the categories of luxury and democracy in one work is a distinctive characteristic of the artist's handwriting: a simple construction fixture in her hands turns into an element of the "luxury" segment, bypassing a real gemstone in the final cost. On an ideological and conceptual level, this work is unique because it is an inalienable part of the "Weld Queen Universe."